The best benefit package possible for your employees should include our telemedicine program. The future is now -- and the future is telemedicine. It has the ability to dramatically improve people’s health, and healthy employees are an asset to any company.
Show your employees how valuable they are by hiring us to be there for them. You can boost employee morale and increase productivity in your workplace by supporting the happiness and healthiness of employees. Let Leadership Health manage your telemedicine benefit and you’ll find:
- Improved employee wellness - with access to care in every situation
- Improved employee satisfaction - when they know that you care about their wellbeing by including this valuable benefit
- Reduced absenteeism - when employees can talk to a doctor in minutes and are more likely to avoid sick days or time off for doctor visits
Your employees will find that they:
- Save money - spend less on co-pays and other costs incurred when visiting a traditional doctor’s office
- Save time - access doctors at any time, from anywhere, when they are most needed
- Reduce time off - less worry about missing work due to physician appointments or illnesses that shouldn’t keep them at home
- Increase access to care - have fewer barriers to obtaining medical care when it’s right at their fingertips any time